

 Anoche se celebró la Primera Serata de la 75 Edición de Sanremo en el Teatro Ariston.  Sanremo llega este año con bastantes cambios: Renovación de presentador (Carlo Conti sustituye a Amadeus, aunque ya dirigió el festival en 2016 y 2017) y cambios en el orden de presentación y número de actuaciones, además de introducir otra novedad: Los asistentes al teatro deberán llevar unas pulseras de luz, como las que ideó Coldplay para sus conciertos, y parece que levantar y mover los brazos al ritmo de las baladas.  Esta vez, durante la primera Serata, cantan los 29 artistas para distribuirse por mitades en la segunda y tercera serata. El viernes tendrá lugar la serata cover y el sábado, la gran final.  También hay cambios en el voto, ayer sólo votaba la prensa, webs y TV, pero no la radio, que vota hoy junto con el televoto.  Todos estos cambios se notaron ayer, donde lo más llamativo fue el rápido ritmo del festival que, al contrario de otros años, terminó antes de l...


 Este viernes se publicó el álbum conjunto de Irama y Rkomi - No Stress -, que llega después del primer adelanto, Hollywood. El disco se produce como resultado de la unión artística de dos de las figuras más importantes del mainstream, pop y del género urbano italiano en Los Ángeles, después de haber colaborado anteriormente en  5 gocce y Luna Piena .  Pese a haberse lanzado en pleno verano, en No Stress predomina un tono oscuro, como el azul profundo de su artwork . Puede que Hollywood sea la canción con un color más brillante del álbum porque el resto del conjunto alberga un sub-tono más sombrío. De la oscuridad y el sudor del club de Sexy - que cuenta con la colaboración de Gué , que se integra bastante bien en la pista- al anhelo de Quando Piove, que se acerca más al Drake de One Dance o al Sin Señal de Quevedo. Existe algún punto de luz en Sulla Pelle,  que podría titularse 5 gocce parte II y que replica sus claves del éxito: la vertiginosidad de...


Aunque el concepto " canción del verano " esté un poco difuminado en España, el panorama pop italiano se concentra en una sola tarea: conseguir el hit de la temporada. Durante estas últimas semanas se vienen sucediendo  los lanzamientos de sencillos por parte de los artistas pop más importantes.  Por estas fechas, los artistas más relevantes del mainstream italiano se aceleran por lanzar al mercado uno o varios  singles veraniegos para conseguir tener la canción del verano. La lluvia de lanzamientos se ve acompañada por numerosos eventos de promoción de los sencillos, que sirven de escaparate para los artistas: TIM Summer hits, Radio Zeta Future Hits , la famosa Battiti …  Entre los candidatos, se postulan canciones de los últimos meses que siguen en buenos puestos en la lista italina ( ), como Mon Amour  de Annalisa  -con el que logró su primer número 1 tras 12 años de carrera-, Hoe de Tedua -que ha acaparado Spotify Italia y la lista italiana con...


 Last Friday Irama released his new album, which follows up his 2020's EP, Crepe . The project comes after the incredible success of Ovunque Sarai, both commercially (the track is certified platinum in less than a month) and critically (Irama scored the 4th position in the Sanremo Festival this year) . Far from his latest latin sound, in  Ovunque Sarai  Irama looks at himself and his feelings. In particular, Irama portrays the feeling of missing someone relying on nature as the artistic reference point. The result is, in a chain of future tenses, a long poem , showing an almost unprecedented depth, artisitic growth and maturity. Irama's vocals on the track raise the track even more, creating an experience, where feeling is the protagonist.  Now, almost a month after the Festival, we get the album, Il Giorno in cui ho Smesso di Pensare.  The record includes featurings from his frecquent producer, Shablo  (and also writer of Ovunque Sarai),   Rkomi...


  The Sanremo Finale had place yesterday to close this intense week of performances, bets and hopes.   La quinta serata consisted in every contestant singing their song, while the spectators could vote at home. This votes would be sum up to the general ranking product of the rest of the nights. The finale and la serata cover (where every singer had to cover a hit from the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s) didn't modify much the general ranking of the first three nights: Ana Mena only moved one place forward from the first night, letting Tananai in the last place and the podium kept the same (the obvious winners Mahmood & Blanco, Elisa and Gianni Morandi). We could say the same for Irama, who scored a secure forth place and his highest position with Ovunque Sarai. The contestants tried their best in the finale, with a lot of them moving around the stage or going to the box and asking the audience to participate in their performances. Some pronounced speeches to complete the whole meani...


 The famous Italian Song Contest  returned to its original date and to the Ariston theater . Yesterday Sanremo 2022 started with the first twelve performances (the other 13 will have place tonight) to end with the Sala Stampa  (TV, radio and webs) voting, giving the first place to Mahmood & Blanco's Brividi. The winner will represent Italy at Eurovision, but that seems secondary. The impact of participating and winning Sanremo is bigger: You get cualified as an artist. Apart from that, is a true walkabout. Yesterday 10 million people watched the gala. Advertising, special guests and sketches and jokes  prolonged the gala and made it last more than four long hours, letting Rkomi and Ana Mena's  performances almost to the end of the show. Let's have a look to some moments of  the night! 1. Maneskin returns to the Festival after winning last year: It's been a crazy year for Maneskin and returning to the same, exact place where all started was hard for t...


 Italian rapper Rkomi dropped his third studio album, Taxi Driver , in April. Inspired by the Martin Scorsese film, the album is certified double platinum in Italy and Rkomi has reached  number one in the singles chart, with 'NUOVO RANGE' (ft Sfera Ebbasta). The album includes fourteen tracks and ten of them are featurings. Rkomi recruits a great line-up of Italian pop, from his frequent collaborator Ernia to Irama and Italy's King of trap, Sfera Ebbasta. Today I am going to focus on one track that isn't a feature, 'PARTIRE DA TE'. It probably is the piece with the biggest rock sound on the record. Since the beginning, the alt -rock electric guitar riff captivates you, which is emphasized by the piano that makes you immerse in the song and the rhythm. Despite the music is not written by Rkomi, this inclusion isn't casual, as he confessed to Billboard Italy that he's learnt to play the piano during the pandemic. In the chorus, Rkomi is helped by the a-cap...