Midland dropped ' The Last Resort ' a few weeks ago. It's the second project from the band this year: In March, they released The Sonic Ranch , an album made of their old and unreleased songs. Now, The Last Resort is the first collection of new songs since their second album , Let it Roll in 2019. Despite the EP only includes five tracks, it's a pleasant listening. The sound contains some rock and electric guitars that melt with Midland's classic country sound. The result is delicious. The first piece is the post-break-up And Then Some , with mellow sadness. This start is much closer to their origins on The Sonic Ranch . There is a bittersweet feeling in every song (except from Two To Two Step , that will get you dancing), which is far from the debauchery and living to the max of the 21st Century Honky Tonk American Band... That's also shown in the first single and second track, Sunrise tells the story. It brings back cheating to the narrative, but i...