

 Achille Lauro se presentó al Festival de San Remo de 2025 con Incoscienti Giovani . Como escribí en mi anterior entrada, suponía su regreso -y cuarta participación del artista romano en el Festival-, así como su aparición más sobria.  Después de dos semanas desde el fin del Festival, Incoscienti Giovani ha crecido y se ha vuelto uno de mis temas preferidos de la edición de este año, así que voy a analizar ciertos aspectos de la canción y de su contexto. 1-CONTEXTO y ANTECEDENTES.  La participación en San Remo tiene como antecedente directo la -enorme- balada Amore Disperato , lanzada en septiembre de 2024 y que ha abierto un nuevo camino en la carrera de Achille Lauro. Amore Disperato , junto a Incoscienti Giovani, tiene ese halo de canción atemporal y le acercan al cantautorato. Ambas piezas parecen convivir en el mismo universo (recuerdo de un primer amor o una historia de amor de hace tiempo, las referencias a las flores y a Roma, y los estribillos con declaracione...


In 1996 the Italian singer and songwriter Francesco Guccini published Cyrano as one of the songs from his album D'amore, di morte e di altre sciocchezze. The track, written by Giancarlo Bigazzi, Beppe Dati and Guccini, has aged as one of the best cantautori pieces.  In it, Guccini transforms in Cyrano, the famous protagonist of Edmond Rostand 's drama, to do social criticism and ends up making one of the most moving declarations of love to Rossana, Cyrano's lover.  His interest on literature is not unusual; he is a poet and has written other songs about other magna opera, like about Don Quixote .  1. Cyrano de Bergerac: Cyrano is the perfect Romanticism's hero (even if the play is from 1897). His big nose moves him away from the society, which makes fun of him. Consequently, Cyrano has learnt to defend himself with bravery, haughtiness and courage.  He is in love with Rossana, his cousin,but he's afraid of telling that he loves her. Meanwhile, Rossana loves  Ch...


 Italian artist Irama presented La genesi del tuo colore for 2021's San Remo festival, the biggest Italian music contest. It scored the fifth position, even with covid-19 difficulties:A member of his staff tested positive and Irama and his team had to cancel the rest of the performances and be in lockdown. Irama could just perform the song once and the clip was repeated in the following nights. The song is illustrative of these times and of 2020, especially. Here's why it represents everything we have lived and we're living with the pandemic: 1. The Lyrics:  The lyrics are truly poetic, from the beginning. The song was described by Irama as 'an anthem to life' and that's what is shown throughout the whole piece. Life triumphs in each verse: 'There won't be no snow to break a tree' the tracks states in its first words.There is no better symbol of life than nature and a tree fighting for life, to spring, and life is going to make through in spite of ev...