In 1996 the Italian singer and songwriter Francesco Guccini published Cyrano as one of the songs from his album D'amore, di morte e di altre sciocchezze. The track, written by Giancarlo Bigazzi, Beppe Dati and Guccini, has aged as one of the best cantautori pieces. 

In it, Guccini transforms in Cyrano, the famous protagonist of Edmond Rostand's drama, to do social criticism and ends up making one of the most moving declarations of love to Rossana, Cyrano's lover. 

His interest on literature is not unusual; he is a poet and has written other songs about other magna opera, like about Don Quixote

1. Cyrano de Bergerac:

Cyrano is the perfect Romanticism's hero (even if the play is from 1897). His big nose moves him away from the society, which makes fun of him. Consequently, Cyrano has learnt to defend himself with bravery, haughtiness and courage. 

He is in love with Rossana, his cousin,but he's afraid of telling that he loves her. Meanwhile, Rossana loves Christian. Cyrano, aware of his big nose and the few possibilities he has of having a love story with Rossana, agrees with Christian to write the love letters to her. 

Finally, Christian dies fighting on war and Rossana lives in pain, reading the last letter she received from him. One day, Cyrano visits her and reads the last letter. Rossana knows in that moment that Cyrano wrote it, but Cyrano denies it and decides to die alone in the moonlight. 

2. Cyrano by Guccini

The song incorporates some verses from the play, which help to contextualize the song ('Venite pure avanti, voi con il naso cortoi' //'Signori imbellettati, io più non vi sopporto' //'Infilerò la penna ben dentro al vostro orgoglio' //'Perché con questa spada vi uccido quando voglio') and work as inspiration for the first verse. 

Recreating one of the first scenes of the play, Guccini criticises the Italian modern society of the 90s with some arrogance, in a comptentous way, like Cyrano. The description is fierce, raw and touches topics such corruption or tax evasion. 

It shows how Cyrano has learnt due to the rejection of the society. How it rejects him is a symbol of what kind of values reign. The big nose it's the metaphor for the rejection for the different and it has given him the perspective to watch a country crumbling, buried in the appearance and disguise. 

Cyrano is the instrument for Guccini to express his  disenchantment with the Italian society (journalists, politicians, materialists...).By turning into Cyrano, Guccini can criticise the modern world. 

All the words are selected, truly poetic, and with a great sense of musicality, even if a feeling of fast anger stays in Guccini's voice, result of the social vindication and the suffer and pain of Cyrano.

The chorus, with the famous sentence, 'non perdono e Tocco!' sums up Cyrano's way to defense, to make through: Attack to survive. 

The only hope for him is Rossana's love ('Tu sola puoi salvarmi' // Only you can save meand that is what makes the social song turn into an authentic declaration of love. 

This is the second part of the song. Despite being arrogant to the world, Cyrano hides his love for Rossana. This love is the reason for Cyrano's sadness , as he knows that it is impossible('Amo, ma sono triste perché Rossana è bella, siamo così diversi' , which means I love but I feel sad because Rossana is beautiful, we are different), but it is his consolation too ('Mi chiudo in casa e scrivo e scrivendo mi consolo'). The poetry reaches the climax here:

The song ends with the final part of the declaration of love, with Cyrano hoping for a better place to live their love story and confessing that she is the only person from which he does not hide, the only person who does not laugh when he appears. Rossana is the reason why Cyrano keeps living and suffering. 
Cyrano confesses his eternal love for Rossana and says goodbye like he would do in his letters: Per sempre tuo, Per sempre tuo ... Cyrano (Forever yours, forever yours, forever your ... Cyrano)

3. Irama's rendition in San Remo:
This year at San Remo, the contestants had to sing an Italian cantautori piece. Irama, who has said that Guccini is one of his inspirantions, chose Cyrano and performed it live in a shorter version, but  heartfelt  hommage to Guccini. 
