

 Back in January , Blossoms published their third album, Foolish Loving Spaces. The album comes months after the release of Your Girlfriend , the first single of the project . Blossoms told Radio X in a Track by track of the album , that they planned to do three different albums with the almost 25 songs they have written . The money it would have cost , made Blossoms choose to release only one album and , by this time, they had also the first single, Your Girlfriend.   In the Track by track   Joe Donovan explains that the record , without being a concept album , could work as a love concept album. This reflects in Your Girlfriend . Tom wanted , as he explains in an interview to Radio X, to challenge himself as a songwriter and write about love in a different perspective. This time, Tom sings about a guy who is in love with a friend's girlfriend . This imaginary journey (cause it is not a real life experience) drives Tom to talk about the emotions that everyone could feel ...

BLOSSOMS BAND (Debut album and Cool Like You Review)

Apart from Frank Ocean, during lockdown I discovered Blossoms . The English band from Stockport was formed back in 2013, but gained relevance with their debut single, Charlemagne. With it,  they stated the synths' predominance that will remain in their songs and was in their first single, You Pulled A Gun On Me   . Tom Ogden's vocals and his special way of writing love stories made the rest and drove to the band earning a nomination for the BRITS awards . First singles ( You pulled A Gun On Me, Cut Me And I'll Bleed, The Urge  and Blow ) have Tom Ogden singing roughly, with great chorus to sing along and much rawer guitars than later on the band music. . In Winter Kiss  they demonstrate they can do great slow-tempo songs , sounding soft-pop, with an acoustic guitar base, which could have served for a country song. Some of these songs were included in their debut-self titled album (2016). Alongside with a half of new tracks. Throughout the album Tom sings about love i...


The weeknd publicó el 20 de marzo su álbum 'After Hours' . El álbum sigue la misma dirección que se persiguió con el lanzamiento de sus dos singles en noviembre ('Blinding Lights' y 'Heartless'): Uno con influencia ochentera que ya se mostró en 'Starboy' y otro más R&B o trap, con MetroBoomin como productor. Al lanzarse primero 'Heartless' (dos días antes que 'Blinding lights') y ser el single de regreso, 'Heartless' tuvo mayor éxito inicial entrando directamente en el número 1 en las listas americanas, pero en las pocas semanas desde el lanzamiento descendió del top 10 estadounidense. Sin embargo, 'Blinding lights' ha sabido mantenerse a largo plazo en las listas de streaming, escalando en las listas europeas consiguiendo sus primeros números uno en países como Alemania o Reino Unido. La recepción de estos dos singles ha permitido observar la diferencia de gustos entre EE.UU. y Europa. Mientras Estados Unidos se d...


El 27 de febrero publicó Christine and the Queens su EP  'La vita nuova' . Ese mismo día publicó una minipelícula en youtube que ofrecía videoclips de todas las canciones del EP (excepto de la bonus track 'I dissappear in your arms' ) rodado  en la ópera Garnier de París. El EP contiene 6 canciones, entre ellas 'People i've been sad' , la canción que ya públicó el 5 de febrero. La pieza que da título al EP es 'La vita nuova' , que supone el regreso de Chris a cantar en italiano desde 'Science Fiction' . Ambas comparten la base en la admiración de los ritmos disco setenteros que sonaron en Italia en esa época. Además en esta canción , Christine colabora con Caroline Polacheck , artista neoyorkina que describe la colaboración como 'dream collab'. La inspiración detrás de 'La vita nuova' se encuentra en la obra del mismo título de Dante Alighieri , donde se trata el amor platónico del escritor y Beatrice. De esa inspiración...